ENGIE launches a “Community solar” offer in Massachusetts
The North America BU, in collaboration with the B2C Métier, is launching a Community solar offer in Massachusetts “Making solar energy a reality for everyone, everywhere”, allowing residential customers to access solar production capacities with no need for a suitable roof. This offer also gives them the opportunity to become virtually co-owners of a centrally-located solar plant in their geographic area.
This new type of offer has enjoyed great success over the past few years and is still exponentially growing, particularly in the US where the market is expected to rise from 70MW installed capacity in 2015 to 400MW in 20201.
In order to take advantage of this dynamic, ENGIE North America and the B2C Métier have decided to launch ENGIE’s first B2C community solar offer in Massachusetts, targeting residential customers. This offer will be commercialized from November 14, 2016 under the “Think Energy” name.
With this offer, retail customers will be given the opportunity to subscribe to a green and locally-produced source of energy at a competitive rate. They will enjoy discounts on their electricity bills while they engage with ENGIE and become a “Think Energy” customer. Participants will have access to a dedicated application showing them important data such as the solar plant production, savings on their bill, CO2 emissions avoided… etc.
Sales channels and customer value proposition are key elements in order to make sure the offer will be a commercial success. This B2C community solar offer will allow “Think Energy” to acquire between 2,000 and 5,000 new customers on a short-term perspective.
The objective with this first community solar initiative is to determine best practices in order to prepare the launch and commercial development of such offers in other American States or countries. It will also help gauge customer behaviors as they experience community solar for the first time.
This offer is part of the Group’s strategy with a focus on distributed generation, carbon-free and digital solutions.
For further information on this Community solar project, feel free to contact Dominique Vassout and/or Jim Delong at the following addresses :
> Dominique Vassout: dominique.vassout@engie.com
> Jim Delong: jim.delong@na.engie.com
1 Source: 2015 SEPA study